I will miss a lot of things from Canada like the people who, no matter where you go, will always be friendly and kind to you, the breathtakingly beautiful landscapes such as Niagara Falls, the lakes and the skyscrapers, my classmates as I know that I won't probably see the majority of them again, I will also miss Tim Hortons and all the junk food restaurants such as Wendy's, Harvey's, Pizza Pizza... However the thing I'll miss the most is my host family as they've been incredibly nice to me and they've treated me as if I were their own daughter, I hope to see them again one day... So, overall, I WILL MISS CANADA! -Llanos B.
From Canada, I will miss lots of things. The first one, the people. I've had a very good time here with the other students and my host family, but I will miss more my "shopaholics". The second one, the shopping. I've bought lots of things here for my family, my friends and me and Canada has all the clothes shops that I love!
The third one, the beautiful places that I've visited here. My country has beautiful places, but not as nice as Niagara Falls and Toronto. The last one, the BBQ's and Harvey's. Mmm... I love fast food! -Laura R.
Things here in Canada are very different than in Spain, I'll miss a lot of things:
The catwalk to arrive to school, the sky, my graffiti in the park, Baconator from Wendy's, iced coffee and bagels from Tim Hortons, my host family who try to do a lot of things with me and they make me feel that I'm a part of the family too, the trips, polite people, bus number 35... Nightmares House in Niagara Falls when we screamed and said stupid things,
I will miss baseball or soccer games, watching films or TV programs with my host sister at night, people that I met here and which I spent a lot of time with.
To sump up, I'll miss Canada, the truth North, strong and free. -Maria P.
The trip is ending. As I had a great time here in Canada, I will miss everything here.
First of all, I will miss my Canadian mates. Here I met fantastic people, some of them a little crazy. They are so nice.
Also I will miss the best teacher I have ever met, MONICA TANIA AND ISABEEEEEEEEEL. They are lovely. And my host-family too. The took care of me as if I was in my home.
In Hamilton, a typical "bar" is Tim Hortons. It has a lot of sweets and other things.

There are a lot of things that I will miss, but the most are the people because they are very friendly, nice and polite.
Other things that I will miss are the big moments in the gym with all the boys, to go shopping with the shopaholics group, the incredible teachers and the big school, the drinks at Tim Hortons, the festivals that my family has taken me to, the barbeques, all the excursions that I went on all month and to speak in English with my favourite teachers. -Sergi A.
I will miss a lot of things from my experience in Canada. The thing that I will miss most is going to be my group of mates and the good experiences that we had together. Then I will miss the hot chocolate from Tim Hortons and the dinners at KFC eating a lot of chicken. Also I will miss the typical sentences like : 'la ca liau el pollito' , 'pero que borde eh...', 'how strong'... I will miss a lot my host family because they showed me how life is in Canada and I visited a lot of amazing places and festivals, like Canada Day, that is a big and typical festival here. -Maria A.
I am going to miss the people. Here they are really nice. I'll also miss the routine I had this month in Canada. Not only for the excursions but also for the classes we had. The weather is another thing I'll miss. Here it's really hot during the day but at the night the temperature drops down and I can sleep perfectly. I'll miss also the students. I made friends here that I don't want to lose but I know that I won't see them again. It's sad, but it's true. Maybe I will come back to Canada in the future and then I'll remember the good times I had here with my friends. Canada was a good experience! -Sergi M.
I will miss my favourite friend Manuel (28-06-2014) also, I will miss my family in Canada, I had a great time with them with the BBQ's, Wendy's, paintball, playing videogames with Aiden, etc. The family is a little crazy but I love them.
Also I will miss the typical cafe, Tim Hortons. -Salva S.
The thing I will miss most is my host family, of course. I didn't believe that they would be as awesome as they are. I went shopping a lot of days and now I know every mall in this area and the vocabulary of shopping. We had a lot of family dinners and parties, we played table games, we went to parties with their friends and we watched movies in the cinema. It's the first time that they had a student in their house and they said that I have a family in Canada and I can return when I want to visit them. I will miss going shopping with my "SHOPAHOLICS" and laugh with them. We have become good friends and we are going to visit each other in Spain. The people in this country are so nice, the streets are comfortable too.
I will miss all the time that I had been with my friends, such as, when we went to the Green Smoothie or when we were in the gym. There I had a good time when all the group played basketball. Also, I will miss the activities with my host family.
In conclusion, I will miss all the moments in Canada because people here are great. -Alvaro S.
The thing that I'll miss most apart from the friends I have made, is my TIMMIES! I have been buying a lot of chocolate there, so I am not going to be able to buy such tasty chocolate (joke). I will miss the boys "Gym time" and that moment when we were working out on the machines and playing basketball and baseball. -Iker A.
I will miss almost all of the things I have done because it has been a very good experience. But if I had to choose some I will choose the dinners at KFC eating chicken and Tim Hortons at break times. Also I will miss all the trips all together and the typical sentences of some mates like "Pero que borde eh", "La ca liao el pollito" and "How strong". I will miss the crazy weather and the long and identical streets as well. I will miss my host family a lot because they have treated me incredibly well but the thing I will miss most will be the people whom I have spent all this extraordinary month with. It has been one of the best experiences in my life and I will miss it a lot. -Iratxe M.
I am going to miss the catwalk to go to Maria's house, Tim Hortons, to sing the anthem of Canada every day, the people from here because they are very nice and friendly and the students from the group too. We had a lot of fun every day with different stupid things even if the people think that we are weird.
The family from here and all the trips I have made with them mostly to go to USA shopping .
This is the end of Canada 2014, see you next year. -Arrate K.

I am going to miss the 34 and 33 buses, streets, family BBQ, downtown, humidity, to sing every morning the anthem of Canada, Wendy's, our mythical Tim Hortons and their hot chocolate, going shopping every week, school gym, the hot weather, all day trips, the photos from the blog, speaking in our languages and people not understanding you, the host family and finally the people from the group, and Sofia's best moment in Nightmares, this is the end of Canada 2014, see you next year.
O Canada! -Nerea D.

Of course I will miss the friends I met here because I shared lots of memories with them and made this trip special for me, I will miss my host family too, Amanda has been very familiar with me, she takes me to a lot of places and I spent time with her family, good moments like BBQ's, basketball games, lakes and hutchs.
I will miss hot chocolate, iced cappacino or timbits from Tim Hortons, the fires with marshmallows and chocolate, the big hamburgers like Baconator, the shopping days when I could spend my money in the American shops because here they are cheaper and the last days in the pool with Amanda.
-Isabel P.
The hardest word to say is "goodbye" and in a couple of days we will say it. It will be so hard. I will miss lots of things, but maybe the thing that I will miss most is the people. I have meet incredible people and maybe I won't see them again. They make me get angry, laugh, cry, smile... They are fantastic. When we were on the bus that went to the Niagara Falls a friend and I started to cry, we don't want to return to Spain. And when the people hugged us it was harder, because I started thinking that in some days I won't be able to hug them again. The last two days will be so hard, I will be crying all day. I can't believe that this month is coming to an end. Too many things, too many memories. I don't know what I will do without them. Isabel, Maria P, Nerea, Manuel, Alvaro, Sergi A, Claudia, Arrate, Iratxe, Paquito, Salva, Andrea, Sofia, Loles, Maria A, Laura, Iker, Llanos, Lizbeth and Sergi. And also Tania, Monica and Isabel. I won't ever forget them. Thank you for this incredible month. -Pilar R.
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